Alocasia ‘Pucciana’ x Alocasia ‘Argyrea’
PARENTAGE: Alocasia ‘Pucciana’ x Alocasia ‘Argyrea’
Alocasia 'Gibba' was a complex cross of different cultivars of Alocasia longiloba, predominantly a back-cross to Alocasia ‘Pucciana’, with the following full parentage formula:
Alocasia ‘Pucciana’ x Alocasia longiloba x Alocasia ‘Pucciana’ =
(Alocasia longiloba ‘Putzeysii’ x Alocasia longiloba ‘Korthalsii’) x [Alocasia longiloba x (Alocasia longiloba ‘Putzeysii’ x Alocasia longiloba ‘Korthalsii’)]
Parents of Alocasia 'Pucciana': Alocasia longiloba ‘Putzeysii’ and Alocasia longiloba 'Korthalsii' (listed as ‘Thibautiana’ historically)
“This new Aroid can be classified among the large species of the genus. It is close to Alocasia ‘Thibautiana’ (refering to Alocasia longiloba ‘Korthalsii’), and other forms that derive from this species, but it is distinctly characterized by the prominence of the geniculum, corresponding to the insertion of the petiole and the drooping state of the leaf, which takes on the shape of a bell as it matures.
Petiole about 1 meter long, cylindrical-conical, thin, with a rosy hue, finely striped with small brown lines; leaf simple, oval, very elongated-lanceolate, strongly arched above at the insertion of the petiole bulging at the knee; main veins sunken on the upper side, almost silver-white on the underside, forming a network at the edge where the olive-green surface of the leaf turns to the soft olive-green tone of the spongy limb. Erect peduncle, twice the length of the petiole; spathe white, tinted light green at the base, more abruptly contracted at the top, arched, wide open, about 13 centimeters long, bordered by a very sharp yellow-green rib on the inside, and bearing an oval-shaped scar at its base.
This novelty was obtained through artificial hybridization between Alocasia ‘Pucciana’ and Alocasia ‘Argyrea’
HYBRIDIZER: Chantrier Brothers - circa 1897
Alocasia 'Argyrea', one of the parents of Alocasia 'Gibba' Roehrs Company Catalogue (1911) P.2