Planta vigorosa, in stato culto plerumque 4-5-phylla; petiolus pallide viridis, dense pallide punctatus, apicem versus saturate purpureo-violaceus sed in facie superiori stria viridi notatus, breviter pubescens; lamina lata, cordato-sagittata, breviter acuminata, lobis basalibus ± divergentibus subacutis, margine ad nervorum apices vix conspicue lobulata, utrinque pallide viridis, subtus pallidior, nervis infra valde prominentibus, breviter pubescentibus, lateralibus utrinsecus 6-7, quorum infimi in lobos basales decurrunt
et 2-3 ramos distales emittunt; flores nondum vidi, etsi planta saepius in horto Bogor. floruit. Petiolus cum vagina 15-17 cm longa 4-5 dm longus; lamina cum lobis basalibus 35-37 cm longa, ad petioli insertionem 24-26 cm lata, sinus basalis ore 14-20 cm lato, costa 22-24 cm longa, loborum basalium nervis 13-16 cm longis.

NO.-Sumatra, Bezirk Deli (JAHERI i. J. 1895, Hort. Bog. u. von dort u. A. im Hb. Berol.).

First described by Hans Hallier in 1915 in Mededeelingen van's Rijks Herbarium, based on material first collected in 1896-1897

SYNONYMS: Alocasia nobilis

DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia | Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra

CLIMATE: Tropical humid climate

Humidity is moderate throughout the year, ranging from 60% to 70%

Temperature is varies between the seasons - within the range of 48°F/9°C to 88°F/31°C during the day. Minimum temperatures never dip below 45°F/7°C

Rainy and humid season (October to May) and a dry season between June and October. The average annual rainfall is 1,200 mm

ECOLOGY: This species has wide ecological amplitude and is found in disturbed places in forest, scrub, swampy areas, river banks, sometimes on limestone,from sea level to ca. 1200 m altitude.



Robust herb to 1.3 m tall; stem erect to decumbent, to ca. 8 cm diam; leaves several together, glabrous to minutely pubescent on the petiole and abaxial lamina; petiole ca. 50 cm - 1 m long, sheathing in the lower V3-V2, pale green to pale chocolate brown with the apical 1-6 cm deep purple, or the whole purple throughout, otherwise more or less unmarked; blade sagittate to broadly ovato-sagittae, distinctly but not very thickly leathery, to ca. 50 (-80) cm long and up to 40 (-50) cm wide, slightly olive mid-green
to suffused brownish chocolate to deep purple throughout and slightly shining adaxially, paler and dull abaxially; anterior lobe widest at or slightly above the base, the tip mostly obtuse and apiculate for ca. 1 cm; anterior costa with 4-7 primarly lateral veins on each side diverging at ca. 65-45°, with prominent glands in their axils abaxially; secondary venation flush with the lamina abaxially and adaxially, forming not very well-defined slightly sinuous to almost straight interprimary collective veins; posterior lobes ca. 1/2 the length of the anterior, rounded to acute, the inner side lanceolate to narrowly ovate to subrhomboid; posterior costae naked in the sinus for ca. 1.5 cm


Inflorescences rather slender, (2-)several together, forming a cluster in the center of the crown and not interspersed with foliage leaves; peduncle mostly hidden within leaf sheaths and cataphylls, pubescent if the leaves are; cataphylls semi-persistent; spathe ca. 12 cm long; lower spathe rather narrowly ovoid, green, ca. 2 cm long, separated from the limb by a rather weak constriction level with the basalmost part of the male zone of the spadix or with the sterile interstice; limb to ca. 4 cm wide, as first erect and cucullate with the basalmost part reflexed, then wholly reflexed, pale greenish yellow to white, deciduous after anthesis; spadix subequalling the spathe, stipitate for ca. 3 mm; female zone ca. 1 cm long, ca. 7 mm diam.; ovaries flattened subglobose, somewhat lobed, green, ca. 1.5-2 mm diam.; stigma sessile, about 1.2 mm wide, of 3-5 rounded lobes, white; sterile interstice basally as broad or broader than female zone, distally attenuate, ca. 7 mm long, composed of numerous white to pale apricot synandrodia, the lowermost sometimes with the staminodes incompletely united, the rest closely resembling the synandria; male zone cylindric, ca. 1.5-2 cm long, ca. 7 mm diam., white; synandria hexagonal, 1.5 mm diam., shghtly convex-topped; thecae overtopped by synconnective and opening by short apical slits; appendix to 7.5 cm long, slender, basally isodiametric with male zone, tapering very gradually to a point, pale orange-yellow to yellowish ivory; fruiting spathe green, to ca. 6 cm long, ovoid.

Alocasia inornata inflorescence with erect spathe, taken at the Jardin Botanique du Montet in Nancy, France by David Scherberich in 2007




Alocasia inornata was described from a sterile plant cultivated at Bogor, originally collected by Jaheri from Deli, Sumatera. Preserved material neither of the cultivated plant nor of the original field collection has been located. However, Hallier's description includes reference to the leaves being pubescent and the petiole being purple at the apex, and there can be little doubt that this name is applicable to the species defined here.

The neotype here designated is weakly pubescent, reference is made in the notes to the petiole being purple at the top (this feature becomes obscured on drying) and the specimen includes a well-preserved inflorescence. While the colour of the petiole apex may seem trivial, purple pigmentation is present at that point in all living plants I have seen of this species, both in Sumatera and in Peninsular Malaysia, and appears to be a diagnostic feature. The exception is cases where the entire leaf is suffused with purple - the condition of the type of Alocasia nobilis.

Pubescence on the other hand is not a constant feature of Sumateran specimens and apparently is absent from Peninsular Malaysian ones.

Alocasia nobilis was also described from cultivation at Bogor and the cultivated plant also originated from a collection by Jaheri from Delhi. The description includes reference to the inflorescence, though this does not appear to have been preserved. The leaf, besides being suffused purple throughout, is at the extreme of narrowness overall and reduction of the posterior lobes for this species, but it connects with rather than falls outside the rest of the morphological range, Lorzing 5061 being an intermediate example. As might be expected if the leaf is suffused purple, the spathe is described as being so too, where typically in A. inornata it is green in the lower part and pale greenish yellow to white in the limb.

It was possible that the name Alocasia ovalifolia Ridl. had priority, if syntype material of that species could have been located that is conspecific with Alocasia inornata. The issues around this uncertainty are discussed under Alocasia puber in the synonymy of which Alocasia ovalifolia has been placed on the basis of the identity of the only syntype so far located and on which Alocasia ovalifolia has been lectotypified in order to dispose of the name.

The distinguishing combination of features of this species includes, in addition to the purple-topped petiole, the slender spadix, the spathe constriction corresponding with the basalmost part of the male zone or the interstice, the narrowly tapering appendix, the large, sessile, rounded 3-5- lobed stigma and syandria with the thecae overtopped by synconnective.

Other specimens seen: PENINSULAR MALAYSIA: Pahang, Pulau Tioman, Burkill s.n. (SING), Cult. RBG Sydney, Acc. No. 893742 Goodwin 16 (NSW), Md Nur 18890 (BO, SING); Selangor, Forest Research Institute, Kepong. Croat 53294 (K); Cult. RBG Kew Acc. No. 472-82.05004 ex Selangor, Ulu Gombak, Hay s.n. (K); Cult RBG Sydney, Acc. No. 940101 ex Selangor, Batu Caves, Hay 9057 (NSW); Cult. RBG Sydney, Acc. No. 940338 ex Pahang, Semangoh Pass, Hay 9271 (NSW); Pahang, Eraser's Hill, Henderson 11389 (BO); Perak, Gua Badak, Lenggong, Henderson 23836 (BO, SING); Selangor, Batu Caves, Ridley 8168 (K, SING), 13392 (SING); Selangor, Anak Takun, Templer Park, Sang JS33 (KEP).' SUMATERA: Atjeh, NE of Kroengloeas, E of Troemon, Asdat 74 (L); G. Koerintji, Bunnenmeijer 9222 (BO) & 10354 (BO, L); NE Sebessi Island, Docters van Leeuwen-/?e/7>zvfla« 5139 (BO); East Coast, Karo Highlands, E of Berastagi, Hamel & Rahmat si Toroes 631 (L); Cult. RBG Sydney Acc. No. 970531 ex Lembah Anai Nature Researve, Hay & Yuzammi 13105 (NSW); Sibolangit, Lorzing 5061 (BO); Karohoogvlakte bij Lingga, Lorzing 6274 (BO); South Sumatera, Enggano, Liitjeharms 3856 (BO, GH, K, L) & 4745 (BO, K, L); W. Sumatera, Pesisir selatan Kerintji, Mt Kerintji, nr Pondok Patjet, Meijer 6219 (L); Batoe Island, Raap 8 (BO).




