Alocasia longiloba ‘Grandis’ (ovule) x Alocasia indica ‘Heterophylla’**
PARENTAGE: Alocasia longiloba ‘Grandis’ (ovule) x Alocasia indica ‘Heterophylla’**
Alocasia ‘Kutawatu’ parentage
SYNONYMS: Alocasia ‘Kutawato’
HYBRIDIZER: Christian Dave Saromines Zambales, of North Cotabato - circa 2021
DESCRIPTION: Alocasia ‘Kutawatu is the first hybrid to use Alocasia indica genetics, which can be observed in its distinctive elongated lobes. Overall the hybrid prominently resembles Alocasia longiloba ‘Grandis’ in terms of both coloration, venation and leaf shape.
Christian worked with fellow Alocasia grower Ayk Albano to give this hybrid its name, dervied from “Kota Bato” in Malay and Tagalog meaning fortress of stone. This moniker later became known as the name of the city of Cotabato in the Philippines.
Abaxial of Alocasia ‘Kutawatu’
Photo by Christian Zambales