Ah Alocasia princeps W. Bull stature valde minore, habitu calcicola lihthophytica, pedunculo longo, inflorescentia mascula haud exserta differt.
TYPUS: Cult. Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney Acc. No. 960576 ex Malaysia, Sabah, Kinabatangan Distr., Gomantong Caves, originally collected 24 Apr 1996, Hay et al 12162 (NSW, holo; iso, K, L, KEP, SAN, SING - to be distributed).
Photo by Dhimas
DISTRIBUTION: Endemic to Borneo, Sabah, and East Kalimantan
CLIMATE: Tropical humid climate
Humidity is moderate throughout the year, ranging from 60% to 70%
Temperature is varies between the seasons - within the range of 48°F/9°C to 88°F/31°C during the day. Minimum temperatures never dip below 45°F/7°C
Rainy and humid season (October to May) and a dry season between June and October. The average annual rainfall is 1,200 mm
ECOLOGY: Lowland rain forest, on and among hmestone boulders; sea level to 600 m altitude.
Small more or less lithophytic herb; rhizome ca. 1.5-2 cm diam.; leaves several together; petioles ca. 20-30 cm long, sheathing in the lower 1/7-V6, grey-green to dark purple-brown, becoming paler distally, somewhat spreading, smooth; blade ca. 20(-25) cm long, hastato-sagittate, narrowly triangular in outhne, occasionally somewhat ovato-sagittate, sometimes some subadult leaves peltate, dull to slightly glossy, distinctly grey-green above, paler below, very thinly leathery; anterior lobe ca. 9-14 cm long, widest at base; anterior costa with 2(-3) primary lateral veins on each side, diverging at ca. 45-60°; secondary venation flush with the lamina, forming poorly defined interprimary collective veins towards the margin; axillary glands inconspicuous; posterior lobes ca. 2/3 the length or subequalling the anterior, the inner sides lanceolate; posterior costae diverging at ca. 60-90°
Inflorescences mostly 2 together (1-4); peduncles much extended from the cataphylls, ca. V3-2/3 the length of the petioles; cataphylls lanceolate, ca. 7 cm long; spathe ca. 6-7 cm long; lower spathe ovoid, ivory to yellowish ivory, ca. 2 cm long; limb lanceolate, pale green faintly suffused brown; spadix ca. 5 cm long; female zone ca. 1 cm long; pistils not or hardly touching one another, pale green; ovaries ovoid, ca. 1.5 mm diam., facing diagonally up, pale greenish yellow; style short, ca. 1 mm; stigma white, bilobed; interstice ca. 4 mm long, attenuate, 2-3 whorls of loosely arranged synandrodia (sometimes partly naked); male zone ca. 8 mm to 1 cm long, pale ivory, completely within the lower spathe chamber; appendix ivory, ca. 2.5-3.5 cm long, 4 mm diam., slightly constricted at junction with male zone corresponding to spathe constriction; fruiting peduncle subequalling petioles
ETYMOLOGY: The substantive epithet, meaning 'little prince', is the diminutive of princeps, alluding to the small stature and relationship of this species
Alocasia principiculus differs from other members of the A. princeps complex in its small overall size, grey-green, thinly leathery leaves, relatively long peduncles and in the male zone being held entirely within the lower spathe chamber.
Other specimens seen: SABAH: Sandakan Forest District, Elopura, Gomantong, Cuadra A1489 (BO, BRI, K, KEP, L, SING); 20 mi S of Sandakan, Gomantong Caves Hill, Wood A4602a (L). KALIMANTAN: East Kalimantan, Berouw, Mt Bungaan, Kostermans 13781 (L).