Alocasia odora x Alocasia ‘Portei’
PARENTAGE: Alocasia odora (ovule parent) x Alocasia ‘Portei’ (pollen parent)
SYNONYMS: incorrectly refered to as Alocasia x ‘Portodora’, Alocasia' ‘Portadora’, Alocasia ‘Portidora’, Alocasia ‘Portore’
HYBRIDIZER: LariAnn Garner (Aroidia Research)
DESCRIPTION: Alocasia ‘Thunder Waves’ is group that LariAnn created from her initial cross called the ‘Portora Red’, which had redish/maroon petioles and main veins, and a reddish spathe. It is unclear if this selection ever made it to market.
A photo of Alocasia ‘Portora’ which is supposedly nearly identical to Alocasia ‘Thunder Waves’ with the main difference being the coloration of the veins and petioles