Amorphophallus adamsensis L.M.Magtoto, D.G.Mones, K.A.Ballada, C.M.Austria, R.M.Dizon, W.V.Alangui, A.A.Reginaldo, W.M.Galvan, K.T.Dizon & Hett., sp. nov.

Type: LKD 130 (holo University of the Philippines Baguio Northern Luzon Herbarium), Philippines, Adams, Ilocos Norte, elevation 303 ± 3 m, 27 May 2013.

A new species is hereby presented as Amorphophallus adamsensis. This was seen from the locality of Adams, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Photos of the plant were initially identified by colleagues as Amorphophallus dactylifer, but it was found to be different after a closer examination of its inflorescence. The species description is based on single specimen of leaf, inflorescence, and infructescence.

Blumea V.58 N.3 (2013) P.267-270



CLIMATE: Unknown

ECOLOGY: It is a tuberous geophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.



Tuber depressed globose, 17 cm diam and 10 cm high, fusiform offsets numerous on upper half close to peduncle/petiole base. Leaf solitary; petiole 123 cm long, 3 cm diam, background colour dark greyish to purple green, with numerous elliptical light greyish to purple markings with slightly raised to raised margins at lower half and diamond-shaped markings on upper part; lamina 139 cm diam, rachises winged distal from the basal branching, basal parts naked with few petiolulate leaflets; leaflets oval to elongate elliptic, 9.5–24 cm long, 3.5–6 cm in width, long acuminate (acumen 2.5–5 cm long), glossy green above.


Inflorescence solitary, long peduncled; peduncle 158 cm long, 3.5 cm diam, green to purplish brown background, having generally elliptic whitish green to whitish purple markings with lighter raised margins; spathe narrow triangular, 53 cm long, 28 cm diam; base strongly convolute, subglobose, with distinct constriction from the lateral-ventral sides distinguishing it from the limb; base outside light green with purplish hue, with scattered irregularly shaped slightly raised whitish green spots; base inside light green with white spots, lower part clothed with purple to brown unbranched finger-like projections; limb 3 times longer than base, adpressed against the appendix, strongly costate at the centre, pale green costa and veins; limb inside purple to brown with white spots, limb outside the same; limb auriculate; spadix sessile, much longer than spathe, 99 cm long; female zone cylindric, 9 cm long, c. 3.5 cm diam, flowers slightly distant; male zone cylindric, 12 cm long, 3 cm diam at the top, flowers distant; appendix narrowly fusiform to narrowly elongate, top subacute, 79 cm long, base with few short shallow ridges, dark reddish purple; ovaries depressed globose, 4 mm diam, 3 mm high, unilocular, basal placentation; style 3 mm long, 1 mm diam, slightly curvate, dark purple; stigma large, deeply 3-lobed, surface white, with numerous thin finger-like projections; fruit with globular base and conical tip, 4 mm high, 3.5 mm diam; pollen bright orange.


ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet refers to the locality where this species was found.

NOTES: Amorphophallus adamsensis resembles Amorphophallus dactylifer and Amorphophallus rostratus (Table 1) but can be distinguished from both by having much longer leaflets with longer acumen; narrow triangular and much longer spathe, the base of which is clothed inside with purple to brown unbranched finger-like projections; lobed or auriculate limb; and much longer male zone with distant flowers. In addition, Amorphophallus adamsensis differs from Amorphophallus dactylifer by having a longer peduncle, narrower spathe, and a much longer spadix and appendix; from Amorphophallus rostratus by having a longer and larger petiole with elliptic markings, a larger lamina with naked basal rachis, much longer and larger oval to elongate elliptic leaflets, arching over limb, a longer and larger female zone, depressed globose ovaries, and longer and larger styles.




