Alocasia longiloba ‘Korthalsii’ x Alocasia longiloba ‘Putzeysii’

PARENTAGE: Alocasia longiloba ‘Korthalsii’ x Alocasia longiloba ‘Putzeysii’ (listed in literature as Alocasia ‘Thibautiana’ (ovule) x Alocasia ‘Putzeysii’). The reverse of this cross was also successful and published as Alocasia ‘Pucciana’ (Alocasia ‘Putzeysii’ (ovule) x Alocasia longiloba ‘Korthalsii’)

Illustrations of hybrid parents Alocasia ‘Putzeysii’ and Alocasia ‘Thibautiana’

Kew herbarium specimen of Alocasia longiloba ‘Putzeysii’

SYNONYMS: likely the same plant as Alocasia ‘Kerchoveana’ which is listed in literature to have the same parents, and was introduced approximately three years later, in 1890

HYBRIDIZER: Mr. Fernando Ragionieri, head of the greenhouses of the city of Florence in 1885; He dedicated the plant to Belgian Botanist Lucien Linden, one of the editors of the L’Illustration Horticole journal at that time (Bullettino della Reale Società Toscana di Orticultura, Series 2, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1888) P. 58)

According to the latest ICN guidelines this hybrid should be named Alocasia ‘‘Lucianii’, but it was kept as is in Aroidpedia for historical accuracy.



L’Illustration Horticole v.34 (1887) P.75

“The plant reminds us of the parents from which it is issued and is distinguished by its rich colors and large dimensions. Its petiole is a little more stout and entirely spotted, a bit thicker at the base; its thickness is about 1 1/2 centimeters; the base color is dotted with pale and moussed brown, surrounded by a border that enhances the color of the foliage. The leaf blade on top is dark green, the core surrounded by a band of a paler green; the surface is marked with thick veins and salient parts of pale green and along these veins runs a band of more or less white grist, of superb effect. The edge of the blade is one outer deep color against the white band. A glance at the plate will make one appreciate the whole ornamental value of this Aroid.”


Plate from L’Illustration Horticole, painted from nature by Mr. De Panne-Maker,


